
Please see responses inline below.

On 5/16/11 9:02 AM, "Alan DeKok" <> wrote:

> Sam Hartman wrote:
>> I'd like to confirm that code is in use both by implementations of
>> eap-fast v1 and v2.
[HZ] Yes. Type Code 43 is being used by EAP-FAST v1 and widely deployed.
>   As a backup question: Are there *any* implementations of v2?
[HZ] Not right now. Once this draft is finalized, it will be.
>   The draft does not make it clear if this is the case.  Can the authors
> step in and give their opinion?
>> Does the current text mandate support for eap-fast v1 as well as v2?
[HZ] The draft doesn't mandate support for v1 and v2, it's up to each
implementation. How, ever, due to the small changes from V2 to v1, I suspect
most of them could support both easily. Doesn't running code mean something
in IETF?
>   Yes and no.  Section 3.1 says:
>    The version negotiation procedure guarantees that the EAP-FAST peer
>    and server will agree to the latest version supported by both
>    parties.  If version negotiation fails, then use of EAP-FAST will not
>    be possible, and another mutually acceptable EAP method will need to
>    be negotiated if authentication is to proceed.
>   This makes it *possible* for an implementation to support v2 only.
> This will require starting version negotiation for EAP-FASTv2, and then
> switching to a different EAP method.
>   Implementations traditionally have found it difficult to start one EAP
> method, and then to switch to another one.  This means that v2-only
> implementations may be difficult to deploy in practice.
[HZ] Agree. Considering all devices out there supporting EAP-FASTv1 and it
may take a while for them to support the new method, most server
implementations would probably support both.
>> Is it expected that most implementations will support v1 and v2?
[HZ] See above.

>> Is it desired that people be able to create a v2 only implementation?
>   I will partially avoid those two questions, and say that it should be
> possible to deploy only the EMU tunneled method.
[HZ] Realistically, until the new tunnel method is published and adopted by
all servers and supplicants, implementation would have to support older
tunnel methods, including EAP-FASTv1. By retaining the EAP-FAST type,
customers wouldn't have to be educated with another new EAP type and
validate its security, and they would have a smoother migration path, from
v1 to v2. Implementers could reuse the same code. I thought one of the
reasons EAP-FASTv2 is adopted is because of its existing code and
deployment, with small changes to meet EMU requirements. Changing the method
name and type would totally negativate that.
>   Alan DeKok.
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