Hello all,

I am Jesús Sánchez-Gómez, Senior Researcher at the R&D department at Odin Solutions S.L. https://www.odins.es/en/

After reading the draft,

*I look forward to the adoption of draft-ingles-eap-edhoc* as a EMU WG draft.

Additionally, *I will review the document*.

At OdinS, we leverage on EDHOC and EAP on several research project funded by the European Commision. Please find below a list of said projects. These research projects cover a wide variety of IoT verticals, such as Smart Cities, Smart Buildings, Industry 4.0, and Smart Agriculture. Also, we see the combination of EDHOC and EAP as a technology that could be adapted to more applications like e-Health or Intelligent Transportation Systems. Therefore, we consider EAP-EDHOC as a technology with a broad scope of application due to
its flexible nature and constrained requirements.

Additionally, we have successfully researched and integrated EAP and EDHOC on top of a wide variety of networks such as IEEE 802.15.4, NB-IoT, LoRaWAN, and WiFi. All of these
integrations were achieved with code running in constrained nodes.

EAP-EDHOC will be integrated in several OdinS market-ready products such as IoTconnector,
Mex06, Wimex TH, or Wimex DI. Please visit our product page for reference:

EC funded projects that employ either EAP or EDHOC (or both) technologies for IoT:

 * ARMOUR, GA 688237, H2020-ICT-2015, https://www.armour-project.eu
 * ANASTACIA, GA 731558, H2020-DS-LEIT-2016, http://www.anastacia-h2020.eu/
 * IoTrust, GA 825618, H2020 NGI TRUST 3rd OpenCall,
 * Plug-n-Harvest, GA 768735, H2020-EEB-2017,
 * CYSEMA, GA 777455, H2020 IoT4Industry,
 * DEMETER, GA 857202, H2020-DT-ICT-08-2019, https://h2020-demeter.eu/
 * REWIRE, GA 101070627, HORIZON-CL3-2021-CS-01-02,
 * NEPHELE, GA 101070487, HORIZON-CL4-2021-DATA-01,

Thank you,

Best Regards,

On 2023-11-29 19:37, Peter Yee wrote:

Off-by-one-bug. That deadline is December 13th!


On 11/29/23, 9:13 AM, "Peter Yee" <pe...@akayla.com  <mailto:pe...@akayla.com>> 

This is an adoption call for EAP-EDHOC (draft-ingles-eap-edhoc) [1].
This draft was originally briefed in Yokohama and while it didn't
receive strong backing at that time, a short re-airing in Prague
showed that there's distinct interest in taking on this work. While
this work is not currently in scope for the EMU WG, it’s definitely
something we could take on under a rechartering of the WG.

So, if you've got interest in seeing the work adopted, please
formalize that by responding to the EMU mailing list with your
position. We are particularly interested in hearing from parties
who are willing to review and/or contribute to the development
of the specification.

The deadline for feedback is November 13th. We hope to hear
from lots of you.

Joe and Peter


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Jesús Sánchez Gómez

Senior Researcher

+34 635 332 609

jsanc...@odins.es <jsanc...@odins.es>

Odin Solutions, S.L.

Calle Palma de Mallorca, 2 – 30009 Murcia (Spain)

<https://www.odins.es/> <https://www.linkedin.com/company/odins/>

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