Hi, Alison (and All).

There is a very comprehensive web site titled "South Asian Women's Network,"
and the address online is:


See the menu on the left?  Toward the bottom is "South Asian Women's
Organizations."  There are several resources noted for Canada.

Additionally, the web page has all sorts of fun features, like book reviews
and profiles of prominent South Asian women.  It is a good way to learn more
about women in and from "Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal,
Pakistan, and Sri Lanka."

Yours truly,
Lisa Sharlach

In a message dated 5/30/02 12:51:15 PM Central Daylight Time,

<<< I am writing from Canada and have been following the discussion of the
  Hudood Laws in Pakistan with interest.  By chance, quite unassociated with
  my professional work in the anti-violence field, I know two Pakistani women
  who emigrated to Canada for arranged marriages.  Canadian women have worked
  very hard in recent decades to improve women's rights and to create a
  spectrum of services for abused women.  These two women are aware that
  Canadian women have many rights but it is as if they are watching these
  rights from behind a glass barrier.  They cannot access them and our laws
  and systems of intervention are not designed to help them.>>>

Dr. Lisa Sharlach
Dept. of Political Science
Dwight Beeson Hall
Samford University
Birmingham, AL 35229

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