On 04/17/2012 05:54 PM, Itamar Heim wrote:

If we can expose the "shared" flag though, i think the API gets more
natural. We can then only show the shared disks in the root context.

Itamar, can we expose this flag, or do you consider this flag is
internal to the BE?

we have to expose this flag for shared disk functionality. this is the
only way via ui/api to flag the disk as shared (which only then allows
attaching it to more than a single vm - this is explicit to avoid disk

OK, understood.

Which then begs the question - why we are trying to make the setting / unsetting of this flag implicit via the various POST and DELETE calls we were trying to model.

Maybe we ought to just allow a user to set the shared flag:

 PUT /api/vms/{vm:id}/disks/{disk:id}

When a disk is shared:

 - The disks shows up in the root context /api/disks.
 - You can POST this disk to another VM, making it available to that VM.
 - Detach it from a VM using DELETE.

To delete a shared disk, you need to either:

 - Unshare it first. Then DELETE.
 - DELETE it from the root context.

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