
> That's not what happens. Yes, the rules are added at the top. But the
> rules relating to Autocrypt are prefixed with autocrypt://. The logic in
> Enigmail is such that "autocrypt://" rules are only executed, if no rule
> without "autocrypt://"-prefix applies.

yes they are prefixed with autocrypt:// I can see that.

> In other words, if you have other self-created per-recipient rules in
> Enigmail, then are should not be disturbed by Autocrypt-rules.

I tested it several times with Enigmail 2.0.7:
* moved the self written rule to the top: encrypted mail is sent.
* moved the self written rule to the bottom: no encrypted mail is sent.

=> Sorry, but for me it looks like, that the logic is not working like 
expected. Or is there a bugfix for that in 2.0.8 and I need to retest with 
this version?


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