On Tuesday, 30 December 2003, at 12:25:59 (-0500),
Trey Gruel wrote:

> it seems that most of the geometry info in the menuitems is also in
> pixmaps.list.  the only info missing from pixmaps.list i can see is
> the escape codes and the lack of the '+50+50' at the end of the
> scaled pix.  also the @ in the pixmaps.list entry is a ; in the
> menuitem (looking at the code, i'm not sure i understand why you use
> both methods as they both do the same thing).

If possible, I'd like to get rid of the whole pixmaps.list thing
anyway.  It's a kludge at best and doesn't really offer the simplicity
and flexibility I'd like.  What I want to see is a way to have one or
more directories where images can be placed that will automatically be
picked up by Eterm.  I'd also like to see the menu(s) auto-generated
from those directories.

Currently pixmaps.list is generated externally by Etbg_update_list.
The geometry information is hard-coded into that script.  It uses the
directory name ("tile" or "scale") to figure out what geometry to give
in the pixmaps.list file.  A similar method is used for generating the
menus.  (Try Etbg_update_list -m foo.cfg sometime.)

One huge problem with this became apparent when I wanted to put
Midnight Sky 2
in the collection.  It must be scaled vertically but tiled
horizontally to produce the desired effect.  With the current
mechanism, there's no way to do that.  There's also no way to set a
particular image to always be shaded at 40%, or to be scaled to 50% of
the window size rather than 100%.


PS:  To answer your last question, ; works very well in escape
sequences, but it can cause problems with the command line (for
example, when using -P pixmap.png;100x100+0+0).  @ makes a lot more
sense for specifying geometry anyway.

Michael Jennings (a.k.a. KainX)  http://www.kainx.org/  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
n + 1, Inc., http://www.nplus1.net/       Author, Eterm (www.eterm.org)
 "Blessed are the shallow; depth they'll never find.  Seems to be
  some comfort in rooms I try to hide.  Exposed beyond the shadows,
  you take the cup from me.  Your dirt removes my blindness; your
  pain becomes my peace."                     -- Jars of Clay, "Frail"

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