Daniel Kozlowski schrieb:

>Well i said this before but i don't think it made it out there is a
>small compile error on my computer when i attempted to make the program
>it was fixed by changing line 912 from  this 
>m = eli_card->eli->velocity * 0.02 / sqrt( pow( to_x - from_x, 2) +
>pow( to_y - from_y ,2));
>to this 
>m = eli_card->eli->velocity * 0.02 / sqrt( pow( to_x - from_x, 2.0) +
>pow( to_y - from_y ,2.0));
thanks, I now found a very simple way to avoid this. A  x * x do the
same job like a pow( (double) x, 2.0).

By the way, I've got now a very little home page, where you can find the
latest version (0.0.2). It's now with autoconf and automake and a theme

Here's the page: http://www.mowem.de/elitaire/


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