I had noticed that some month ago, but totally forgotten, and as i had to reconfigure entierly my desktop due to profiles, i re-noticed that and decided to post' this mailing-list

I found very strange the difference of configuration of the size of modules, the best example is that ibar (and ibox as it's based on ibar) is resized by a "size" menu in non-edit mode, and pager that as the "normal" comportement : it's resized in edit mode as all other modules

Furthermore, the size of the ibar depends on the theme (i didn"t test last month, but it was that before), this is a little bit annoying, as to have the same desktop after changing a theme, you have to resize some modules, and not others ...

Wouldn't be better (more "e-module-standard" way) to configure thickness with gadman on ibar, and not width if in "resize according to icons" mode, and configure width and thickness in "not resize according to icons" mode ?

Sorry for my poor english, i hope you'll be able to understand my message

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