> Thanks, I didn't know the difference between those sets of functions.  
> The API ref here:  
> http://www.enlightenment.org/doxy/ewl/group__Ewl__Text.html doesn't make 
> it too clear ;)

I'm gearing up to do a major overhaul on the EWLBook which will hopefully get a 
lot of things cleared up. Our docs are a bit sketchy at the moment, heh.

> > There is an easier way to do this. The notebook widget in Ewl is inherited 
> > from the Ewl_Box widget (You'll notice the first param in the notebook is 
> > an Ewl_Box box). Ewl_Box in turn inherits from Ewl_Container. So, using 
> > ewl_container_child_count_get() should return the number of pages. (And if 
> > it dosen't then I'd consider it a bug in Ewl and want to fix it as it might 
> > also include the tabs in that count which is incorrect.)
> >   
> ewl_container_child_count_get(EWL_CONTAINER(notebook)) always returns zero.

I've added this to the bug list in the TODO file.


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