On 18/04/18 18:42, Stefan Schmidt wrote:
> This ticket has items on:
> o How to handle EFL proposals
> o Project and or release roadmap
> o Build breakages from commits
> o IRC channel merge

No idea if i'll make the meeting but this one should be a simple no.
There are plenty of times when we have too much chat volume to squeeze
everything into one channel especially when people are talking detailed
design / implementation in #edevelop, occasionally it feels like we need
a 3rd channel. We should encourage everyone in #edevelop to be in #e and
all non technical discussions to happen in #e though.

A better question is what are we going to migrate away from slack too
when they close there irc bridge, it was the one competitive advantage
they had over any of the other providers.


Simon Lees (Simotek)                            http://simotek.net

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