
On 10.01.19 10:24, Simon Lees wrote:
> On 10/01/2019 01:51, Stefan Schmidt wrote:
>> Hello.
>> Its almost 5 months since we released 1.21 and I stepped down.
>> When talking with people I got help offers on the release handling but
>> no-one stepped up to fully take a lead on this. I start to get the
>> feeling that this might need to be handled with a smoother transition of
>> knowledge and work.
>> Jonathan and Mike both offered help and others also expressed that they
>> would be willing to do their share towards a release. I count on you to
>> make this work :-)
>> To get back to time based releases we should get working on 1.22 soon
>> (and not  block ourselves with $FEATURE not being ready right now)
>> The 3 months based schedule has been putting to much load onto the
>> project with release stuff. At least that is my opinion. After 1.22 is
>> out we should think about increasing this. Maybe 4, 5 or even 6 months?
>> Up to discussion.
> From a distro perspective i'd tend to agree that longer would be better,
> especially with the amount that needs to be repackaged every release on
> our end due to eo changes. When we get to a point were no one is
> breaking eo anymore either because its done or people just aren't
> working on it anymore then going back to 3 monthly is probably more
> manageable.

Fair enough. Let's go for a longer cycle and see how that works for all
parties and we can refine later.

Stefan Schmidt

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