On Mon, 11 Sep 2006 16:04:13 +0300
Eugen Minciu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, 11 Sep 2006 12:38:30 +0900
> Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I noticed that, and I've also noticed a couple of other things that may not 
> be so apparent to you guys.
> There's www.enlightenment.org and www.e-develop.org and www.get-e.org. This 
> really seems like a far stretch to me, imho there should be just one 
> www.enlightenment.org
> This CMS you guys are using is ... not so good (to put it lightly). 
> Generally, one probably doesn't need a CMS but you do need some sort of way 
> to edit content quickly.
> I have some experience with Ruby on Rails so I'm thinking I could create your 
> website and so on. If you want this done quickly, you'll probably have to go 
> for either XSM or another CMS.
> If not, I could write something that's tailored for your needs.
> I thought about this a little and this is how I think this site should be 
> layed out:
> about
>  - general
>  - e16
>  - e17
>  - efl
> users
>  - news
>  - screenshots
>  - documentation
>  - download
>    - e16
>    - e17
>    - themes
>    - backgrounds
>    - etc...
> developers 
>  - news
>  - documentation
>    - core libraries
>    - widget sets
>    - programming guides/howtos
>    - api references
>    - todo items
>  - cvs
> bugs
> contact us
> Here's a little bit about these items
> about: small introduction to e. Don't go into details, that's for the 
> documentation.
> news both in users and developers. Generally this news differs. You should 
> have two checkboxes for each news item, allowing you to post it either to 
> only one of the two, or to both. 
> documentation in both places. user documentation is not developer 
> documentation so they should be separate.
> screenshots: a mini-gallery sort of thing. maybe with videos too
> download: both releases and daily (nightly) snapshots.
> api references: maybe they should be rebuilt automatically? (or maybe just 
> manualy, but we all know where that leads to :) )
> todo items should be automatically extracted from the TODO files of each 
> application/library.
> cvs: maybe a web ui for cvs along with info on how to get it
> bugs: small 'contact us' sort of thingie. user is required to fill in what he 
> sees in an image (to prevent spam). Once he posts, this is automatically 
> routed to the devel list, or maybe some new ml created just for that (since 
> people will probably send lots of useless reports, report bugs that have been 
> fixed, complain about e not building because they don't have foo etc.). Let 
> them upload a core, etc.
> the other items should be fairly self explanatory.
> So here are a couple of sugestions about this stuff:
> 1) Don't bother with a cute interface to edit content. Just use a markup 
> language. (like you edit a wiki)
> 2) news can be posted, either from an application (with a web service) or 
> from an email (with some encryption). First would probably be easier.
> 3) you can use a webservice to allow users to download and install themes 
> etc. directly from www.enlightenment.org
> 4) api references should be automatically generated, speaking of automatic 
> here's another idea (or brainfart, depending on how you see it)
> 5) have the server try to build the current version of e (or maybe a separate 
> build machine). Constantly show a status of what builds and doesnt build on 
> www.enlightenment.org (sorry if this is too SF, just a thoughe.t)
> 6) todo items come from the TODO files. maybe use the same markup in the todo 
> files as well. you could do it both ways (add todo items in the files based 
> on bug reports)

Oh todo items could also come from a web service. You could have a 'report a 
bug' application that send the bug report all the way into the TODO.

> Now ... I can't say all of this stuff is easy to build. But it can be built. 
> I think I could actually make a page like what I've just babbled about for 
> enlightenment.
> It would require quite a bit of time. But I need the RoR experience and any 
> way to help you guys out would make me feel warm and fuzzy inside :d 
> If you want this to happen quick then just go for an existing CMS or wever, 
> if you think you this stuff is actually worthwhile (worth the wait) then let 
> me know, let's discuss what you guys need and I'll begin working on it ;)
> Cheers,
> Eugen.
> > On Fri, 21 Jul 2006 08:48:51 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] babbled:
> > 
> > > As many may have noticed, e's official website, enlightenmnet.org is
> > > pretty painfully out of date. The screenshots on the front page are all
> > > from e16, and there have been a total of 3 news items this year.
> > 
> > yup. i have been mulling what to do about this for a while.
> > 
> > FYI we are getting a new box - donated to us from coolcheeze (from the 
> > arcane
> > linux project - he also does consulting and box building). a fairly beefy 
> > box.
> > it will be on 100mbit at osuosl and has a fair bit of juice (dual opteron, 
> > 2gb
> > ram, sata raid). i am thinking
> > 
> > 1. anoncvs will move here.
> > 2. move www for e.org here - now we have 100% control over what we can run 
> > and
> > how it runs. we can trivially run scripts to auto-build daily tarballs (make
> > dist ones) and more. i think this may make a good case for e.org re-vamps to
> > accommodate such things - and maybe a complete re-design. our current layout
> > has been with us for many years (the logic - not the imagery) and it might 
> > be
> > time to trim it down and make it more accessible.
> > 
> > i have been thinking we need simple links:
> > 
> > -----------
> > about
> > news
> > screenshots
> > download
> > bugs
> > contact
> > -----------
> > documentation
> > cvs
> > debugging
> > 0.16
> > 0.17
> > core libraries
> > widget sets
> > ...
> > 
> > and that's about it. there is a little bit too much to wade through - also 
> > it's
> > not named with common conventions (get enlightenment instead of download for
> > example).
> > 
> > we can put documentation and that stuff as maybe extra links below the main
> > ones, but the main common ones in big bold and easy to find links (maybe the
> > front page just becomes a quick header, 3 line blurb and big fat image 
> > links to
> > the most common sections listed first above (6 of them).
> > 
> > > I know Ben (the peudo-official web maintainer) has been super busy with
> > > work and Opensolaris, and has a personal distaste for CMSs (such as the
> > > one e.org currently uses, XSM). I believe the whole point of originally
> > > moving to a CMS was to allow a much larger group of people to contribute
> > > to the site's content, but that hasn't happened yet.
> > 
> > indeed. i am wondering if it ever will. maybe the experiment failed?
> > 
> > > So, I'd like to propose that we do a few things. 
> > > 
> > > First, restructure the front page to contain a brief description of what
> > > the Enlightenment project is, followed by news items that get regularly
> > > updated. Whenever an asparagus release is made, a note should be added.
> > > Whenever new fun features are added, or obscure bugs finally squashed, a
> > > note should be added. We needed at least two or three people who are
> > > familiar enough with whats going on to take on these responsibilities.
> > 
> > sure. we also need to make this easy to do - maybe even automated?
> > 
> > > Next, I know there have been a few issues with XSM and
> > > sf.net. When a change is made, the entire site is rebuilt and re-uploaded 
> > > to
> > > sf.net. This can take a few minutes, and isn't always successful 
> > > (sometimes
> > > resulting in a blank front page). Is there any chance we could move
> > > e.org onto a non-sf server (one that we can have XSM running locally
> > > on)? Would CaOS be willing to host the website also? (its static, so
> > > shouldn't be much more load on top of cvs).
> > 
> > see above. will be happening in the next 1-3 weeks. people will get 
> > accounts -
> > appropriate people will get root access etc. etc. :) this can be the 
> > beginning
> > of our online empire to rule the world... MUAHAHHAHAHAH. just kidding - but 
> > it
> > will allow us to provide online services to E itself later - like online 
> > update
> > to help/faq docs so users can find help on what they want more quickly 
> > without
> > needing to launch web browsers etc.
> > 
> > > Finally, I think we need some sort of intro doc on how to use XSM, and
> > > a small guideline doc on what goes where on the website.
> > 
> > sure - either that or not use xsm? xsm has been good - it has solved 
> > problems.
> > it will run much better locally on the same box, but will it scale nicely to
> > auto-listing generated tarball snapshots from a directory for us? we will 
> > need
> > to pre-generate pages from templates in scripts, or do them dynamically 
> > with php
> > etc. (much like enlightenment.freedesktop.org does - its very simple php to
> > collate a set of generated tarballs)
> > 
> > > I know there's a web list, but I first wanted to discuss this here,
> > > since it involves possibly moving servers.
> > > 
> > > Let me know what ya'll think.
> > 
> > and finally i'm getting back to it... hooray! :) some of this will be solved
> > soon - the question is how to move forward from there? how do we make it 
> > easier
> > for people to provide news and articles? xsm has not proven effective so 
> > far in
> > making that happen. what can we do?
> > 
> > > --
> > > rephorm
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
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> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > ------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------
> > The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 裸好多
> > Tokyo, Japan (東京 日本)
> > 
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