Nathan wrote:

> >       I don't think there's a need to require that 'thumbnailing'
> > must involve a specific means for storing some standard image
> > format somewhere.. one may not want or need to store anything
> > ...
> At the very least, it should be a negotiable process where clients
> can specify the result formats they can support and the thumbnailer
> can select from those supported formats. A fallback requirement of
> png or some other standard format would be reasonable. This would
> allow us to support jpg, mpeg, edje, or whatever format we choose,
> and any clients that also support those formats could benefit.

        I suppose a minimal 'standard' format for animated images
would be good. This is something that doesn't seem as well-established
as say png/jpg are for static images.. eg. things like mng/mpeg don't
seem too widely used by the 'major' toolkits to provide say animated
icons or whatnot. Animated svgs are lacking as well, but even if used
eventually, it's likely that one may want to save 'thumbs' of them as
animated raster images.

        One thing that isn't really dome in e, but could be, is to
let edjes that correspond to backgrounds provide 'large&small' thumbs
in the edje itself.. ie. have two additional groups, say "thumb_large"
and "thumb_small", that give a (tweened) image representation of the
thumnailed main background. Thus, the edje already contains the two
generic fdo-'sized' thumbs, in the edje bg file itself - and thus
no need to generate the things and save them to some other file,
at least not for the two fdo-'sizes'.

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