>       One thing that isn't really dome in e, but could be, is to
> let edjes that correspond to backgrounds provide 'large&small'
> thumbs in the edje itself.. ie. have two additional groups, say
> "thumb_large" and "thumb_small", that give a (tweened) image
> representation of the thumnailed main background. Thus, the edje
> already contains the two generic fdo-'sized' thumbs, in the edje
> bg file itself - and thus no need to generate the things and save
> them to some other file, at least not for the two fdo-'sizes'.

        Let's play with this idea a bit and see what we can squeeze
out of it.

        Let's suppose we want to write an e17 module to display e17
backgrounds in a way similar to Apple's iTunes "coverflow".
        Now, it's not difficult to actually do this exactly the same
as they've done it, we might just need to be able to projectively
rotate and gradient-fade images - and indeed evas may one day get
such a capability, one way or another. But we could do something
like this without direct support from evas if we had a little support
from the bg's themselves.
        Let's say that some bg's had "thumb_large_front", "thumb_
large_left" and "thumb_large_right" groups which held thumbs with
gradient reflections, with the latter at some left/right angles.
        Given that, it would be just a matter of implementing the
dynamics of an e17 "coverflow-like" background browser.. It might
not be exactly as smooth and whatnot as Apple's, but it'd likely be
nice enough - and quite fast (and with animated 'covers').

        We could go all the way and do this exactly (or better) than
Apple's, just use a "thumb_large" group if there, or generate the live
thumb (as is now done) if not, and dynamically generate the projective
rotations and grad-reflections via fast-enough software routines
(it's not difficult), then do the browser-module. Or do other similar
kinds of ideas.. maybe things with shadows, maybe things that come in
at some angle, like raster's expedite flowers but with the thumbs
slightly overlapping, or whatever.

        The point here being that the notions of a "thumbnailer" and
that of the "thumbnail display browser" might optionally be 'fitted'
to work together, or not, and that one really has a lot of flexibility
in what can be done here.. either way.

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