Michael Jennings ha scritto:
> On Monday, 31 March 2008, at 20:50:20 (+0100),
> The DarkMaster wrote:
>> @Michael: I respect your point of view, but;
>> @All: I am just saying that the big difference in all of this toolkits's
>> customization possibilities is just a game stopper for the majority of
>> people. Of course, the masses wish to have an ergonomic desktop, where
>> everything looks well integrated and not chaotic (Say MacOSX for example).
> E was never intended to cater to the "masses."  There are plenty of
> other "lowest common denominator" options out there already.  I've
> used all of them, even MacOS X, and frankly I'm not even half as
> productive with any of them.
>> What I'm trying to explain is that there should be at least an easy
>> way for the common user to set a certain theme for all of his E17
>> related apps.  That's all.
> Assuming the theme is intended to be able to do that, that's fine.  As
> long as everyone realizes that not all theme authors will want to go
> down that road.
>> Also for coders/themers, this is just extra work.
> Maybe so, but it's up to the theme author if they want to create an
> "E" theme or an "EWL" theme or both.
> If someone wanted to create a tool to speed/simplify converting one
> theme to another, or to facilitate creating themes that work for
> multiple apps/libs, more power to them!  As long as the freedom still
> exists to have separate and distinct themes, I don't think anyone
> would be opposed to such a thing.
>> For example, creating a little application able of helping a themer
>> in producing E, EWL, ETK, whatever theme using the same basic pieces
>> of arts for buttons, windows background and various widgets, would
>> be a very nice thing.  That's all.
> I agree.
>> Also, for example, when I released OpenGEU Luna Nuova, all of
>> the good review about my distro where saying: it is a very nice distro but I
>> oticed that changing from the Sunshine theme to Moonlight, some parts of
>> certain applications didn't change to dark colors and still looked Golden :)
>> That was the greates draw-back in choosing and recommending the distro! Lol
>> ;)
>> That is, they where saying that the distro whas still a little bugged
>> because of this :)
> Again, if you create a distro based on a certain set of assumptions,
> you bear the responsibility that comes with it.  :-)
>> That's how people see the entire story, no matter how you put it,
>> only few people understand that this is a pro. Now, I believe that
>> we'd better help themers do their job better since having the
>> freedom to create themes EASILY should be an important freedom too
>> for anyone, right? I prefer ergonomics desktop, shouldn't I be free
>> to easily and quickly encode one in E?
> This is the key difference:  "facilitate" vs. "dictate"  The former is
> good; the latter is bad.
> My original point was that this simply isn't a big deal for the type
> of user (like myself) that E was originally coded for.  That said,
> those who feel it is a significant issue should feel welcome to
> develop the tools necessary to have it however they want it.  In other
> words, facilitate the choice, but don't dictate the policy.
> Make sense?  :-)
>> That's just how I see the entire fact and of course I am not crazy (why
>> should I be crazy only because I like ergonomic desktops??) and of course
>> I'm trying to push my distro that exact way :)
> Liking things a certain way doesn't make you crazy.  Thinking
> *everyone* should be *forced* to have them that way does.  Hopefully
> the distinction is clear now. :-)
> Michael
I also agree on all the line now  :)

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