Simon wrote:

> Hi guys,
> About the current situation of Etk, I don't think I will work on it anytime 
> soon
> for several reasons. First of all, for the last months, I haven't really had 
> so
> much free time to dedicate to Etk, I have been kept quite busy by a lot of
> things such as school, personnal projects, friends... I also have somehow lost
> faith in this whole project (not only Etk, but the whole E project), I won't
> tell more about it, but I don't think the current situation suits me. And
> another important reason is that I don't think that Etk is innovative enough 
> to
> be a real step forward... let's face it, it's "just" another toolkit such as
> Gtk or Qt, that uses the EFL ok, but there is nothing really innovative about
> it.
> I've recently started to work on another project that I find more innovative 
> and
> interesting. It'll be something like Adobe Flash, but with a real toolkit 
> inside
> it. It'll be used to create real customized GUI for application, but also to
> create some gadgets or some games. In fact, something like Edje, but with
> widgets and with a more powerful scripting language that will allow to have a
> real control on the animation. I really have nothing to show yet and almost no
> code written, just a lot of ideas in my head. I'll probably use a lot of code
> from Etk for the "widget" side of the project.
> Anyway.. if anybody who already contributed to Etk wants to become the new
> maintainer, I'd be glad to hear that the project is not totally dead. I just
> don't think I'll work on it anymore...
> Simon
      You did some really nice work there on etk Simon, it'd be shame to 
see you
leave it so quickly... especially since much of what you describe would 
be fairly
straightforward to add to etk -- make the canvas widget a container that 
for arbitrarily positioned child widgets, add a timeline based animation 
maybe some custom layout mechanism, extend embryo (or other scripting
language) for use with etk, extend evolve/edc suitably, ...

      But if you feel it's best for you to move on for now... :)  Maybe 
will pick up etk and carry on with it...?

>>       The recent discussions here about toolkit theming and such
>> has brought up, to me at least, the question of the future of the
>> etk gui-toolkit. From what I can see, there has been little or no
>> work done on this lib in a looong time -- it appears abandoned or
>> maybe just plain un-maintained right now.
>>       Simon, etk's maintainer, hasn't been seen in a long time..
>> and yet there are apps out there that depend on it, eg. edje-editor
>> which I've noticed has a bug report stating that it's "impossible
>> to enter text correctly. Moom is working on this in etk...thanks".
>>       So, does anyone know what's up with etk.. is it dead, or
>> sleeping, or planning big-things, or what?

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