On Sat, 2008-08-02 at 23:07 +0200, lok wrote:
> Viktor Kojouharov wrote:
> > imho, it both lua and javascript are good choices for this. Though I
> > haven't used lua personally, I only hear good things about it, and the
> > syntax is very C-ish. As far as js is concerned, there's probably a lot
> > more people familiar with it (including me) than lua. And js is not just
> > a "dom language". As far as integration is concerned, I know that lua is
> > quite easy to integrate, thought I think that integrating JavascriptCore
> > from webkit will not be too difficult either (judging by reports of
> > integrating it in gtk).
> >   
> I feel the same about lua and javascript. But nowadays lua seems to be 
> much more easier to integrate than a javascript engine. Even if the 
> later got recently a lot of improvements on this.
> > But couldn't we support more than one language (and thus also preserve
> > embryo, if there are people that need it)? Something like how IE is able
> > to use both js and vscript in html.
> >   
> I don't think supporting (in the long run) several different scripting 
> languages is a good thing. Compatibility problems will increase, and 
> reading someone else theme's code will become even harder.

I disagree. 'Compatibility problems' are non-existent, since they will
all interact with edje parts, not with one another. And reading
someone's code will always be harder if you don't know the language
which is used. That holds true now, if you don't know embryo, and will
hold true in the future, regardless of what language(s) we pick.
However, it will be easier to write a theme, since the likelihood of
knowing a supported language will increase.

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