Am Sat, 6 Dec 2008 13:28:26 +0100 schrieb Andreas Volz:

> Hello,
> I'm really down, because I lost two hours of Edje design, because
> Edje_Editor corrupted my file. :-(
> I simply created a new text part. It comes up without states and after
> saving and reopening, the Edje_File was corrupted. Even I couldn't
> decompile it with edje_decc.
> I know Edje_Editor is in a development state. But may it be possible
> to add a automatic backup for saving? So if Edje_Editor corrupts the
> file than I could switch back to the myedje.edj.bak file. Currently
> Edje_Editor is to dangerous for me to use it.

Ok, while searching in the source code I found out that Edje_Editor
creates temporary files in /tmp. I was able to bring my file back. :-)


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