On Thu, Jan 1, 2009 at 2:26 AM, The Rasterman Carsten Haitzler
<ras...@rasterman.com> wrote:
> ok. i just added some of the things discussed in the efm thoughts thread a few
> weeks ago:
> http://trac.enlightenment.org/e/wiki/Release
> does anyone have anything to add? i'd like focus to pretty much revolve around
> what's on that list. there are other things being done that are parallel to
> that list (things some of us are paid to do or are on other project 
> timelines),
> but otherwise for e17 that list is pretty much the core of what's to be done.
> some of them are broad items that can encompass a lot of work (make dialogs
> even if big, work on small screens). i may have missed a few things along the
> way - again. if you have anything - add it to that page (then mail about it -
> we can remove it or modify it).
> but this is what needs doing. if you want to see an e17 release - lets get 
> this
> stuff done!

I did basic categorization of enlightenment items and also remove the
idea to drop 16bpp engines as we'll use it in our projects.

most showstopper atm is file manager items, I think we can do without
them so would flag them (all, or at least most of them) as "optional".

Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri
http://profusion.mobi embedded systems
MSN: barbi...@gmail.com
Skype: gsbarbieri
Mobile: +55 (19) 9225-2202

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