On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 4:41 AM, Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri
<barbi...@profusion.mobi> wrote:

Good work.

> It is still ugly as it will be presented as a plain/solid color and
> not respect theme image. Theme must provide "inset" and "plain" colors
> in order to specify the desired color. By default I used white for
> "inset" and light gray for "plain" so it matches black and white (e17
> default). I plan to implement a hack in order to improve this
> situation, but I don't know when I'll make this.
> Please report bugs and suggestions.
There are some problems with systray and the bling module.
Not about the color.
With the default theme (and bling), all works fine, but, for instance,
on symply-white *and after* loading the bling module, all the systray
remains empty and pink. Empty means like no systray applications is

I don't know if it's a bling problem or a theme problem...
Symply-white is the newest but is not edje_deccable (contains gif
images). I'll tye with Cthulhain.


Mario Signorino | www.sgrunt.net

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