it seems that this page should:

1) be updates to the new theme
2) be available in the website somewhere


On Sat, 12 Dec 2009, Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri wrote:

> Hello all,
> In the hope to make Enlightenment Foundation Libraries development
> more pleasant to newcomers, we're trying to make website more user
> friendly, as seen in rasterman's last changes (check out current
> status now!, but that alone is not enough,
> so we need all possible help with:
>    - feedback on website: we'll try to make it more shiny and
> colorful, but feedback is good. To avoid endless flamewars about "I
> like this and you like that", please provide insightful points, you
> can send example links and design documents/theories that back your
> points (we all want to learn!)  Of course, pointing to pages that
> provide similar goals as E and got some "web design awards" is even
> better.
>    - trac: please help review, format and fill trac. Want a good
> example? it provides
> lots of images with what it can achieve, is clear and even contains
> code examples. But even it could be better, as the page is long, we
> could use a TableOfContents (easy to add to trac) and some header
> image to guide to more specific points... do not split that page, as
> it's good as one, but we could add specific sections that link to
> other pages, such as "More code examples" and "Walk through tutorials"
> that would themselves have more content.
>    - docs: also review, enhance and create new. By docs we mean not
> just API docs in C files, screencasts creating applications are more
> than welcome!
> Note that commercial Enlightenment interest is growing quite fast.
> This can be your chance to create a portfolio and be hired to be full
> time developer using EFL.  We'll probably start announcing open
> positions in companies, not only development, but also community
> management, documentation writers, testers and debuggers. Stay tuned!
> -- 
> Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri
> embedded systems
> --------------------------------------
> MSN:
> Skype: gsbarbieri
> Mobile: +55 (19) 9225-2202
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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