Am Sun, 18 Jul 2010 20:48:12 +0200 schrieb DEMAINE Benoit-Pierre:

> On 18/07/10 20:04, Andreas Volz wrote:
> > I was some days offline. I'll do some tests and see if I really
> > broke window remember feature.
> > 
> > And this thread shows me that E is a hard maintainable monster!
> > 
> > I've really analysed the border code before I changed something and
> > I wrote around 20 test cases and requirements to analyse the
> > situation before I started.
> > 
> > But no matter what I change there's always a stone with someone
> > below that has a strange use cases that doesn't longer work.
> Life is hard :'(
> > The E philosophy to make all strange use case owners happy and all
> > other "normal" users not is not a good decision in my eyes! For
> > example the problem to have a configuration option for each and
> > every stupid stuff. I think this philosophy is on of the reasons
> > for the "no release since 10 years problem". But who asks me...
> > 
> > I'm personally not sure if I'll ever change E code again in future!
> > I've to sleep about it!
> > 
> > Sentences from you like above sounds like you're paying me money!
> > That's nerving me!
> > 
> > And yes, Gustavo was asking for help with fixing E bugs. And even if
> > you don't believe it, because it doesn't fit your use cases, the
> > bugs I try to fix are really nerving me!
> I am not good in communication.
> We all die one day. And, one day, I will have to quit E for a reason
> or an other.
> I did not want to register the ML, because I knew you would not stand
> my emails. I can still unsub. If you don't like my way of speaking, I
> stop reporting. I have been banned from several IRC chans because I
> am not good in communication, whatever the langage is. So, if you
> don't like speaking with me, or are not interessed in my bug reports
> because my use case are too much extravagant ... i unsub. I did not
> want to join because I knew it would go bad. And I think that, now,
> you dislike me, and it's time for me to leave the ML.
> E was the only DM that could let me my computer a way i can use it.
> It's the only DM that can fit me. But it does not mean that the E
> team have to stand/support/bear me ...
> Do what you want with E; and if E does not fit me need anymore, I have
> to stop using it. I can't force people to dev the DM of my dreams. My
> use case is not statiscly representative of other users.
> Do like Raster did: tell me, frankly, you don't have time to bother
> with me. And I will go away.
> There may be other bugs that affect more users ... that need your
> attention.
> Thank you for trying. No anger against you. The problem is me.

Hello Demaine,

I respect your usage of E. It's your use case. And it's important for

I'll tell you the _real_ problem:

There's no stable release of E17! This is the root of many problems.
The developers have no chance to develop a new feature and then to
bugfix it for some weeks. If there would be a stable release I would
simply tell you:

"Take the stable or go with the risk of recent unstable changes."

Then it's your choose. So I vote "someone" should decide to deactivate
all unfinished not critical features and do an E17 release in some
weeks! It's not normal that users build their productive systems since
years direct from SVN! And their expectation is to have the SVN always
at a stable state.

But I'm not the one who could decide about a "really must fix" list and
then does some practical decisions. I'm even not sure who could decide
about when to release E17.


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