Am Sun, 13 Mar 2011 20:20:39 -0300 schrieb Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri:

> > It just provides two IN signals to show and hide a view and edje
> > provides two OUT signals to tell my application when it's finished
> > shown or hidden. So I couldn't use your editje provided signals as
> > they have a name that is very dependant of the animation.
> >
> > Do you've some idea how I could map editje behaviour to my needs?
> I'm not sure what you mean, I'm doing a quick read of things and can
> try to find time for it later. But AFAIK this seems possible, just
> stop and think, maybe globs? Also remember that you are suggested to
> translate signals by using Editje's own signal dialogs. You can listen
> there for specific signals using @-syntax then emit something new as
> you wish (although bit useless).

Not that useless you may think if you signal catching code should be
static for all animations. But I solved it as I told in my other mail
with a static animation name.


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