On Thu, 11 Oct 2012 10:02:18 -0300 José Romildo Malaquias <j.romi...@gmail.com>

> I am experimenting E17 on my notebook running gentoo linux. I am using
> the official enlightenment overlay to install E17.
> There are two graphic devices on my sytem: nvidia (optimus) and intel
> integrated. As there is not easy support for nvidia optimus on linux,
> the nvidia device is not used.
> When running E17 for the first time and choosing "Hardware Accelerated
> (OpengGL)" for the "Compositing" configuration dialog that is presented
> before the desktop is launched, I get a non-functional system: the
> screen becomes black and the only visible thing is a mouse pointer.
> If the option "Hardware Accelerated (OpenGL)" is disabled, it works.
> I remember that some months ago when I have also tried E17, it worked
> with OpenGL and the intel graphics card.
> Any clues?

intel gfx works just fine here. i'm sitting on a sandybridge laptop. it also
works just fine on my i7 sandybridge desktop. no optimus there. i suspect its
an issue with drivers and maybe evas is at runtime linking to nvidia driver
blobs and thus having problems as maybe the nvidia drivers detect the gpu and
kind-of-work BUt don't actually manage to display. i suggest double-checking
how many libGL's you have and where they ere etc. (or libGLESv2's and
libEGL's) :)

> Romildo
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