Yes, it exists. But there may be something wrong with the full path e17 is 
looking for:

$ ls -al /var/folders/p9/p447lsgn76z04gn3hdvlzgs40000gn/T
total 0
drwx------  4 davidray  davidray  136 Oct 15 07:24 .
drwxr-xr-x  5 davidray  davidray  170 Oct 15 07:12 ..
drwx------  3 davidray  davidray  102 Oct 15 07:19 
srwxr-xr-x  1 davidray  davidray    0 Oct 15 07:13 icssuis501

$ ls -al 
total 0
drwx------  3 davidray  davidray  102 Oct 15 07:19 .
drwx------  4 davidray  davidray  136 Oct 15 07:25 ..
srwxrwxrwx  1 davidray  davidray    0 Oct 15 07:19 disp-:0.0-1743%F0??

So it looks like the dir exists, but there is a mismatch in the full path. I 
have no idea how these filenames are created, the % and ? in the path look 


On Oct 15, 2012, at 2:32 AM, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:

> does /var/folders/p9/p447lsgn76z04gn3hdvlzgs40000gn/T/
> exist as a dir? you know that if you set $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR or
> $SD_USER_SOCKETS_DIR then this dir will be used as as the ipc dir. if not set
> $TMPDIR is user and if that isnt set... /tmp is used. it seems you have set 
> one
> of the above $ENVVARS to a dir that doesnt exist?
>>  http://pastebin.com/FgK781Mm

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