
On Oct 15, 2012, at 8:45 AM, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:

> On Mon, 15 Oct 2012 07:31:04 -0700 Dave Ray <ap...@jonive.com> said:
>> Hi,
>> Yes, it exists. But there may be something wrong with the full path e17 is
>> looking for:
>> $ ls
>> -al /var/folders/p9/p447lsgn76z04gn3hdvlzgs40000gn/T/enlightenment-davidray
>> \@0000000000000000/ total 0 drwx------  3 davidray  davidray  102 Oct 15
>> 07:19 . drwx------  4 davidray  davidray  136 Oct 15 07:25 ..
>> srwxrwxrwx  1 davidray  davidray    0 Oct 15 07:19 disp-:0.0-1743%F0??
>> $
> %F0?? ... almost looks like something became corrupt. the path buffer is
> limtied to 1024 bytes but your path is much less than that. the code literally
> is:
>                  snprintf(buf3, sizeof(buf3), "%s/disp-%s-%i",
>                           buf, disp, pid);
> so u have buf and disp output find but pid has junk appended to it and 
> snprintf
> sure as hell doesnt append that. oooh wait...
> ecore_con will APPEND "|%i" to it:
>               snprintf(buf,
>                        sizeof(buf),
>                        "%s|%i",
>                        svr->name,
>                        svr->port);
> does osx disallow '|' in file paths?

Yes, OSX does allow '|' (pipe symbol) in file paths. A shell interpreter is 
likely to fail with a pipe in the filename though.

I tried this a few more times. The socket file e17 creates is always a mismatch 
with the file that the console message say it's looking for. I guess this is 
why the file menus aren't working.

When the console error is:
Cannot connect to enlightenment (socket 

The socket file created is:

I don't understand how
can end up as 

So the part of the filename appended by ecore_con is totally broken on OSX. 


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