Ummm... I guess it's all about the context, so maybe someone
can explain in what context the following is true.

    Reading the current June 2014 issue of "Linux Format" whose
main topic this issue is "Build Your Desktop" and for example
on page 33 has an article titled  "What Desktop? Everything you need
to know to select the desktop for you".
    Sounds interesting, let me see...  some discussion on g and k
and various distros.. and later there is this screenshot of E and
a caption that reads "Enlightenmet's bling puts many desktops
to shame"

    Ok, sounds nice... But wait, a bit into that page there is this

"The real veteran, however, is Enlightenment which is rather unusual.
It isn't really a desktop environment, but rather a window manager
which is why it lacks taskbars, panels, and even menus."

    I guess that's true in a way, as they are modules... so it's all
in the context after all. But that paragraph seems to me to be,
to use their own words, "rather unusual".

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