Carsten wrote:
> On Sat, 21 Jun 2014 04:10:06 -0400 Jose Gonzalez <> said:
>>     Ummm... I guess it's all about the context, so maybe someone
>> can explain in what context the following is true.
>>     Reading the current June 2014 issue of "Linux Format" whose
>> main topic this issue is "Build Your Desktop" and for example
>> on page 33 has an article titled  "What Desktop? Everything you need
>> to know to select the desktop for you".
>>     Sounds interesting, let me see...  some discussion on g and k
>> and various distros.. and later there is this screenshot of E and
>> a caption that reads "Enlightenmet's bling puts many desktops
>> to shame"
>>     Ok, sounds nice... But wait, a bit into that page there is this
>> paragraph:
>> "The real veteran, however, is Enlightenment which is rather unusual.
>> It isn't really a desktop environment, but rather a window manager
>> which is why it lacks taskbars, panels, and even menus."
>>     I guess that's true in a way, as they are modules... so it's all
>> in the context after all. But that paragraph seems to me to be,
>> to use their own words, "rather unusual".
> it doesn't lack them at all. they are all there out-of-the-box by default.
> whoever is doing that article is clueless or using some package from 12+ years
> ago (or e16 packages). but they are by far and wide not using e as it has
> shipped from git and yhen release in e17 and beyond.

    It's most unusual. Along with the magazine is a live DVD of Linux 
Mint 16,
and it purposes to enable one to try several 'desktops' with the Mint 16 
KDE 4.12, Gnome3.1, Cinnamon 2 (that's Mint's version of Gnome 3), Mate
(that's Mint's version of Gnome 2),  and several others including E (E17 
or E18?).
I haven't tried the live DVD so I can't say, but I doubt it's an old 
version of E
that's available as part of the Mint 16 distro.
    So, it seems to be either the writer is making stuff up (somewhat 
or something about the Mint package of E? Perhaps E was packaged only with
the mobile profile or that's all the writer saw? Or perhaps it is an E16 
    Either way, it seems from this that it might be good for 'someone' 
to keep
and eye out on what the major distros are packaging/shipping, so you 
don't get
weird reviews like this telling people that E is 'just' a window manager 
no taskbars, no panels, and heck not even menus..
    No mention of E's themability, of its extensible nature via modules, 
of its
file manager, etc, etc.

    The article also goes on to say this:

"Despite its oddities, we cover Enlightenment because it's the desktop 
of choice
of Bodhi Linux, which is climbing the distro charts."

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