On 03/07/14 10:17, Cedric BAIL wrote:
> Hello,
> On Thu, Jul 3, 2014 at 5:57 AM, Chris Michael <devilho...@comcast.net> wrote:
>> On 07/02/2014 01:46 PM, Tom Hacohen wrote:
>>> We already had an argument about it on the ML a few months back.
>>> ((a == b) && !c)
>>> Is the correct way of doing it. You don't need to surround single (or
>>> single negated) expressions with parenthesis. All of us hate it and find
>>> it terribly annoying. It doesn't appear anywhere in the EFL except for
>>> some pieces of code you managed to sneak in. :)
>> Well actually, it used to be done like that way back in the day (even
>> before you were around so it's not about me "sneaking stuff in" and I'd
>> appreciate it very much if you did not start making this personal).
> You may have noticed that I stop answering thread with this kind of
> behavior. Maybe it is time for us to have a code of conduct to limit
> this kind of behavior as many of us dislike it, their is no
> improvement in that regard and it seems it needs to be formalized to
> have some kind of effect...

I haven't noticed, but if you have: that's bad. Why be 
passive-aggressive about it? Let the culprits (me in this case) know 
about your concerns and things will solve themselves.

In this specific case I don't see anything personal except for a 
friendly banter that was said with a smile towards Chris who I know very 

The comment was "It doesn't appear anywhere in the EFL except for
some pieces of code you managed to sneak in. :)" which even as a stretch 
can't be considered as taking things personally.


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