Not the most inspiring title but I wanted to share my latest project - an
app that will help us to promote, discover, install and keep up to date all
the EFL apps that are emerging - and the EFL itself too...

The main reason behind this was to help more folk get into EFL easily - and
if we can avoid packaging and distribution problems at the same time then
even better.
I know that Marrakech is aiming to solve some of these problems and I think
that it will. Efler is designed to pick up mrk when it's ready but in the
meantime it's a build-from-source approach.
The UI portion is not yet working but the scripts are there - they do more
heavy lifting than they will need to in the future but hey - I'll migrate
it once the UI is up. And it can install EFL and cool apps in a single
command pasted from the web! :)

Rather than going into more details here I have written it up in phab -

Please let me know what you think of the idea / direction / apprach. Maybe
if it goes well we can have distros package this and the EFL lib and then
everything else can be done without bothering them?...
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