On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 3:42 PM, Derek Foreman <der...@osg.samsung.com> wrote:
> Wayland does have separate focus for pointer, keyboard, and touch within
> a seat - and there's no "seat focus" at all.

Ok, that helps so we'll basically add focus per device, since your
previous explanation that there is a single pointer/keyboard/touch per
seat, it should work nice. For us it avoids one "parent lookup" to
figure out the seat of a given device :-)

BUT one thing that we need to understand is the relation between
pointer/touch and keyboard focus, this is particularly important so we
plan a solution that works for legacy EFL (or any toolkit that has a
single focused object).

Usually we have one focused object (ie:  text entry). Clicking or
taping (touch) it, will focus. Then typing at the keyboard will send
keys there. If you use the keyboard to cycle focus (ie: Tab), then
that object previously focused by pointer/touch is unfocused and a new
one is focused.

If pointer and touch are not changing that focus where keyboard send
key presses... what are they use? This is why we're planning per-seat
focus: be click, tap or "Tab", change the focused object where the
next key press will be delivered.

The idea of multi-seat here is to allow 2 users to simultaneously use
the same application window, like 2 text entries, each user would be
sending text to his own entry (we're not attempting to do multi-user
edit of the same text-entry, as that will be much more complex given
Evas textblock).

Another use is to allow 2 users to interact with different edje drag
parts, or in a game you can control 2 players at once.

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