some time ago I packaged Enlightenement 0.19.3 then 0.19.5 with EFL
1.12.3 for OpenIndiana and it has been provided in our repository
since then.
Vincent and Boris kindly helped me back then.

I have been willing to update the packages but applications fail to
start since my tests with EFL 1.16 and I have not found the time to
dig further.

Again last week-end I updated our components


and gave it a try... without success.

While I could run all expedite tests with gl and sdl engines (xlib
crashes at one test, most likely due to a X11 bug), applications like
elementary_config, elementary_test, rage, terminology fail to start
properly: they hang right after the window appears.
I am trying to figure out if there is a regression in libxcb between
1.11 and 1.11.1.

If there is any interest, I would like to provide any debugging
information that would help Enlightenment become a solid alternative
to MATE on OpenIndiana.

As I am unfamiliar with the EFL codebase, I do not know which type of
information would be suitable.
Find below pstack outputs which may provide a starting point to an
expert eye (in case similar issue has already been encountered with
BSDs for instance).
I can provide more debugging information, tests logs and give ssh
access to a machine.

Kind regards


helios> pstack `pgrep terminology`
12876:    terminology
-----------------  lwp# 1 / thread# 1  --------------------
 feeff915 getpid   (fafc0000, 400fa919, 8046118, fe9c8db9) + 15
 fe9c8fef ecore_main_loop_begin (febf4409) + 36f
 febf4417 elm_run  (0, 0, 752f0031, 81414f0, 40001415, 0) + 17
 0806a559 elm_main (1, 804769c, 8047668, 806aa0d, 80bc000, 8047648) + e59
 0806aa26 main     (804765c, fef786e8, 8047690, 8062cb3, 1, 804769c) + 36
 08062cb3 _start   (1, 80477fc, 0, 8047808, 8047824, 804782f) + 83
-----------------  lwp# 2 / thread# 2  --------------------
 feefb5b9 lwp_park (0, 0, 0)
 feef55f8 cond_wait_queue (fe698408, fe6983ec, 0, 1, 83088f8, 83088f8) + 6a
 feef5c70 __cond_wait (fe698408, fe6983ec, fe657c9a, fe66b000,
fef6e000, fe698408) + 8f
 feef5cc4 cond_wait (fe698408, fe6983ec, fe50123b, fe5cf036, fe65965a,
fe66b000) + 2e
 feef5d0d pthread_cond_wait (fe698408, fe6983ec, fdb9ef98, fe5ced59) + 24
 fe5cedde evas_thread_worker_func (0, 2, fdb9efc8, fedd1429, feed7c7e, 3) + 9e
 fedd1432 _eina_internal_call (80bf5c0, 0, 0, 0) + 32
 feefb3cb _thrp_setup (fda90240) + 88
 feefb560 _lwp_start (fda90240, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 3 / thread# 3  --------------------
 fedd1400 _eina_internal_call(), exit value = 0x00000000
    ** zombie (exited, not detached, not yet joined) **
-----------------  lwp# 4 / thread# 4  --------------------
 fedd1400 _eina_internal_call(), exit value = 0x00000000
    ** zombie (exited, not detached, not yet joined) **
-----------------  lwp# 5 / thread# 5  --------------------
 feefb5b9 lwp_park (0, 0, 0)
 feeef15e sema_wait (81428d8, fef726c0, fd97ef28, feef41d9, fee0c000,
81428d8) + 19
 feee22cd sem_wait (81428d8, fee10018, fda90a40, feef3e46) + 35
 fedd24af eina_thread_queue_wait (8142898, fd97ef7c, fd97ef98, fe5c5c9c) + 3f
 fe5c5cbf _evas_common_scale_sample_thread (0, 5, fd97efc8, fedd1429,
feed7c7e, 3) + 3f
 fedd1432 _eina_internal_call (8199d80, 0, 0, 0) + 32
 feefb3cb _thrp_setup (fda90a40) + 88
 feefb560 _lwp_start (fda90a40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 6 / thread# 6  --------------------
 feeffcc5 pollsys  (fb87fc30, 1, fb87fd68, 0)
 fee9730f pselect  (13, fb87fde0, fb87fe60, fb87fee0, fb87fd68, 0) + 1bf
 fee97618 select   (13, fb87fde0, fb87fe60, fb87fee0, fb87fdd8, 41197acd) + 8e
 fe9bde8f _timer_tick_core (0, 83a7f10, fb87ff98, fe9cf948, fee0c000,
813a988) + 15f
 fe9cf96c _ecore_direct_worker (83a7f10, 6, fb87ffc8, fedd1429,
feed7c7e, 3) + 3c
 fedd1432 _eina_internal_call (813a988, 0, 0, 0) + 32
 feefb3cb _thrp_setup (fda91a40) + 88
 feefb560 _lwp_start (fda91a40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

helios> pstack 9171
9171:    elementary_test
-----------------  lwp# 1 / thread# 1  --------------------
 feeff475 __so_recvmsg (a, 80473f8, 8000, 0) + 15
 fe0dc229 __xnet_recvmsg (a, 80473f8, 0, fd110d4c, 0, 1) + 25
 fd110122 _xcb_in_read (81eab10, fe370000, 80474c8, fe36239b) + 82
 fd110e71 xcb_poll_for_event (81eab10, 0, 0, feda5550, 0, 81ac380) + 91
 fd1c2ed5 poll_for_response (fd1c3a49, fd2b6000, 8047538, fd1ae469,
8239780, fedcb840) + 135
 fd1c34cf _XEventsQueued (8239780, 2, fecf68fb, fed14000) + 5f
 fd1b2712 XPending (8239780, 8168910, fecff0d0, feda681b) + 62
 fe56c14a _ecore_x_fd_handler_buf (8239780, 816aad0, 80475b8, feda53d2) + 1a
 feda6854 _ecore_main_fd_handlers_buf_call (fed1469c, 3f, edb40000,
4005c842, fed1469c, 8047610) + 74
 feda8d6e ecore_main_loop_begin (feda9039, fedcb000, 8047648,
feda6114, 40000102, 8168960) + ee
 feda9047 _efl_loop_begin (40000102, 8168960, 1, 80476b8, 40000102,
8168910) + 17
 feda6114 efl_loop_begin (40000102, 812f000, 8047678, 807fa8a,
812f000, 807fa16) + 74
 0807fa93 main     (804766c, fef786e8, 80476ac, 807a7e3, 1, 80476b8) + 93
 0807a7e3 _start   (1, 8047818, 0, 8047828, 8047844, 804784f) + 83
-----------------  lwp# 2 / thread# 2  --------------------
 feefb5b9 lwp_park (0, 0, 0)
 feef55f8 cond_wait_queue (fec98408, fec983ec, 0, 1, 8965d58, 8965d58) + 6a
 feef5c70 __cond_wait (fec98408, fec983ec, fec57c9a, fec6b000,
fef6e000, fec98408) + 8f
 feef5cc4 cond_wait (fec98408, fec983ec, feb0123b, febcf036, fec5965a,
fec6b000) + 2e
 feef5d0d pthread_cond_wait (fec98408, fec983ec, fdbcef98, febced59) + 24
 febcedde evas_thread_worker_func (0, 2, fdbcefc8, fe9c1429, feed7c7e, 3) + 9e
 fe9c1432 _eina_internal_call (815f5d8, 0, 0, 0) + 32
 feefb3cb _thrp_setup (fdac0240) + 88
 feefb560 _lwp_start (fdac0240, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 3 / thread# 3  --------------------
 fe9c1400 _eina_internal_call(), exit value = 0x00000000
    ** zombie (exited, not detached, not yet joined) **
-----------------  lwp# 4 / thread# 4  --------------------
 fe9c1400 _eina_internal_call(), exit value = 0x00000000
    ** zombie (exited, not detached, not yet joined) **
-----------------  lwp# 5 / thread# 5  --------------------
 feefb5b9 lwp_park (0, 0, 0)
 feeef15e sema_wait (81e0bb0, fef726c0, fd42ef28, feef41d9, fe9fc000,
81e0bb0) + 19
 feee22cd sem_wait (81e0bb0, fee10018, fdac0a40, feef3e46) + 35
 fe9c24af eina_thread_queue_wait (81e0b70, fd42ef7c, fd42ef98, febc5c9c) + 3f
 febc5cbf _evas_common_scale_sample_thread (0, 5, fd42efc8, fe9c1429,
feed7c7e, 3) + 3f
 fe9c1432 _eina_internal_call (822c760, 0, 0, 0) + 32
 feefb3cb _thrp_setup (fdac0a40) + 88
 feefb560 _lwp_start (fdac0a40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 6 / thread# 6  --------------------
 feeffcc5 pollsys  (fbcdec60, 1, fbcded68, 0)
 fee9730f pselect  (d, fbcdede0, fbcdee60, fbcdeee0, fbcded68, 0) + 1bf
 fee97618 select   (d, fbcdede0, fbcdee60, fbcdeee0, fbcdedd8, 4119504d) + 8e
 fed9de8f _timer_tick_core (0, 88a5688, fbcdef98, fedaf948, fe9fc000,
84345d0) + 15f
 fedaf96c _ecore_direct_worker (88a5688, 6, fbcdefc8, fe9c1429,
feed7c7e, 3) + 3c
 fe9c1432 _eina_internal_call (84345d0, 0, 0, 0) + 32
 feefb3cb _thrp_setup (fdac1a40) + 88
 feefb560 _lwp_start (fdac1a40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

Praise the Caffeine embeddings

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