Hi !

On Mon, Oct 24, 2016 at 8:30 AM, Aurélien Larcher
<aurelien.larc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> some time ago I packaged Enlightenement 0.19.3 then 0.19.5 with EFL
> 1.12.3 for OpenIndiana and it has been provided in our repository
> since then.
> Vincent and Boris kindly helped me back then.
> I have been willing to update the packages but applications fail to
> start since my tests with EFL 1.16 and I have not found the time to
> dig further.
> Again last week-end I updated our components
> https://github.com/alarcher/oi-userland/tree/e_latest/components/desktop/e
> and gave it a try... without success.
> While I could run all expedite tests with gl and sdl engines (xlib
> crashes at one test, most likely due to a X11 bug), applications like
> elementary_config, elementary_test, rage, terminology fail to start
> properly: they hang right after the window appears.
> I am trying to figure out if there is a regression in libxcb between
> 1.11 and 1.11.1.
> If there is any interest, I would like to provide any debugging
> information that would help Enlightenment become a solid alternative
> to MATE on OpenIndiana.
> As I am unfamiliar with the EFL codebase, I do not know which type of
> information would be suitable.
> Find below pstack outputs which may provide a starting point to an
> expert eye (in case similar issue has already been encountered with
> BSDs for instance).
> I can provide more debugging information, tests logs and give ssh
> access to a machine.

I would recommend to do a git bisect in your case. Build efl manually
in 1.12 git branch, check that it still work. Then build efl from 1.16
branch and see if it broken. If it is, you can then start with a git
bisect. It should pin point you to the commit that borked things for
you. Be aware, that for every step in the git bisect of efl, you have
to recompile elementary on the same day/time more or less as the
commit in efl that you are testing. It is going to be very painful do
to .eo file syntax changing all the time, so you may have to go back
and forth, maybe skip some commit. Sadly it is likely going to be
still the easiest way to figure out what went wrong.

Cedric BAIL

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