On Tue, 6 Jul 2004 13:01:18 -0400 Michael Jennings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> babbled:

> On Tuesday, 06 July 2004, at 00:46:49 (+0200),
> Moritz Angermann wrote:
> > e16.7 need to get public audicy at /. and osnews than :)
> Boy, I hope not.  First off, OSNews is like the Weekly World News of
> the Linux world:  horrible writing, uneducated editorials, and
> gratuitous sensationalism.  Secondly, while I think kwo has done a
> stellar job picking up the reins, let's be realistic:  E 0.16.x is no
> longer state-of-the-art.

wow this little thread is getting into a flame fest of e... on e lists by e
users... a little weird :)

ok - several things. e has been in non publicity mode to basically keep users
AWAY from e17 to avoid the massive wishlist pile that would ensue and simply
having to ignore everyone and thus create bad karma (tm) by simply telling
people to piss off and leave us alone until we have the nuts and bolts at the
lower levels nice and polished. we're not into listening to someone's idea of a
funky pager display when we don't even HAVE a pager yet! - in fact don't even
have virtual desktops! :)

so this is WHY we aren't big on the publicity side - one day the time will come
to go all-out.

now... i don't think we need to debate "e vs wm X".

kim is doing an excellent job working on 16.x. we should in no way underrate
this. i will also give kudos as its a hard job - many bugs were design errors
and fixing them would be TOUGH. thus they just got put off for e17 - and i will
admit, put off for waaaay too long. but the core libs for e17 (EFL) solve many
niggles already in e16 - modularise heavily meaning different people can look
after different parts easily. they are very solid, even as-is and improve daily.
we could SOOOO do with people helping with EFL - there are todo lists and
FIXME:'s buried in many lumps of code. I am writing up a quick overview of SOME
of the EFL systems (not all - i'm doing the ones i know best - well not even all
of those - my favorites). but i'd rather an army of excellent coders - actually
not an army. i'd rather 5 EXCELLENT coders spending time on this and doing all
the things that need doing to help bring e17 out. its a mammoth thing. e17 will
not use less ram than e16 - it will use a chunk more. it wont be smaller. but it
WILL be massively more powerful and expandable - and CLEAN. the code will be
easy to maintain and expand on. it has a future far and beyond being a WM alone
and this is where the interesting stuff lies. we could do with help. join #e and
#edevelop on irc.freenode.net - regularly people talk about things that don't
hit mailing lists (because of immediate feedback that makes irc better than even
e-mail). patches and changes to code get discussed. etc. in comparison to EFL
e16 is primitive in many ways. edje (the theme engine in EFL) makes e16's
themeing code look like a caveman compared to modern man. sure it eats, breathes
and sleeps - but the new stuff is SOOOO much more capable, powerful. have you
seen the games on websites written in FLASH? flash was originally an animation
format alone, but it has evolved into much more. i have seen an e-commerce
engine done entirely in flash. i have seen space invaders, pac man, tetris and
tonnes of other games... and guess what - edje is almost as capable as flash -
and in some ways more powerful. edje alone is worthy of a team of coders and a
project website - and this is just SOME of what is brewing. this is the power
that will sit under the next generation of themes for E. we need people learning
it, testing it, playing with it, becoming gurus - NOW - because when e17 does
finally come - this is how u will get themes... and they will be more than
anything else you've seen before. they can animate, react, in fact be entire
worlds on their own. i'm tempted to make a "EDJE browser" that downloaded edje
.eet files form the net and works like a web browser... but with edje files.
just to demonstrate its power.

i digress - the point - EFL does make e16 look primitive. mej is right in that
respect. we need to move this on - and help would be good - not USERS, but
CODERS. good ones. :)

------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------
The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
熊耳 - 車君 (数田)                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tokyo, Japan (東京 日本)

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