On Wed, 24 Nov 2004 23:53:43 -0200 "Rodolfo M. Raya" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
(B> On Wed, 2004-11-24 at 22:14, Carsten Haitzler wrote:
(B> > > Just checked the source code of Eclipse's search & replace dialogue (the
(B> > > one that annoys me the most) and verified that shell.pack() method is
(B> > > never called. This deserves an entry in bugzilla.
(B> > 
(B> > i'm not sure what kind of effects you get in a jvm and java - but in most
(B> > cases in C if you do this kind of thing the size you get is often
(B> > indeterminate as its random "stack values" being used for the sizing.
(B> Hi,
(B> In Java almost all widgets have relative sizes. When you call pack() all
(B> buttons and labels change their size to the minimum one that's enough to
(B> hold the text of the widget. After all labels and buttons have minimum
(B> sizes, all other elements are resized proportionally and aligned. If
(B> necessary, some buttons and labels are finally enlarged to equal the
(B> size of related elements.
(B> If you don't pack() the  components of a window or you don't specify
(B> size constraints, their sizes remain undefined and the displayed window
(B> may be a mess. In some cases, default widget sizes are good enough and
(B> the dialogue has pleasant aspect, but there is no written warranty and
(B> you get a nice result only by chance.
(B> I write Java applications that run on Windows, Linux and Mac OSX. I
(B> prefer to work on Linux because if a window looks good on Linux, I'm
(B> quite sure that it will be also OK on Windows and Mac. However, some of
(B> my colleagues prefer to work on Windows and when I run their code on
(B> Linux, sometimes I see the wrong size defects that Eclipse shows when
(B> running on Enlightenment. Those defects are easily corrected adding the
(B> right constraints and calling shell.pack(). Some dialogues are also
(B> wrong when you run Eclipse on GNOME, but the defects are less obvious
(B> and fortunately those wrong windows allow resizing.
(B> For what its worth: this problem is not new. It has been reported in
(B> Eclipse's bugzilla (bug 77267)
(B------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------
(BThe Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
$BMg9%B?(B                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(BTokyo, Japan ($BEl5~(B $BF|K\(B)
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