On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 12:45, David Seikel <onef...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 24 Sep 2009 23:23:20 -0400 Ross Vandegrift <r...@kallisti.us>
> wrote:
>> Is there a way I can set thicker zones for grabbing a window to
>> resize?  I very commonly use IBM TrackPoint II pointing devices which
>> have a relatively low resolution.  When my pointer settings are set
>> reasonably, the cursor skips pixels and sometimes jumps far enough so
>> that I cannot select the window edge.
>> so I don't know what my choices really are.

I use the trackpoint every day and I can't say it wouldn't be accurate.
In fact it's a great device, I am about as accurate as I am with my
high dpi laser mouse, no problem of hitting window-borders or painting
simple shapes in gimp on my 145 dpi screen.
Also, like most trackpoint implementations, there always is a third
"middle" mousebutton that can be used (which is never available on
notebooks with just a touchpad [at least not without 3rd mouse
emulation] which, btw., are mostly not half as accurate as a
trackpoint is).

At least I can operate at about 1px accuracy if I really need to.
It's probably a problem with your settings.

However, I agree that the reaction area of the borders, and
specifically the edges, is very small (in B&W), I have problems to hit
it with the 1600 dpi mouse (unindependent of the actual set
resolution) on my 100 dpi desktop screen (while it is a little easier
with the trackpoint on the 145 dpi laptop screen), that's why I'm
already used to using the third mouse button for the job.

You could of course change the theme, but this would be some work and
possibly not go upstream.

> One choice to consider, use a real mouse, something that is not so low
> rez it is painful to use.
> Whenever I use a laptop, I try to use a real mouse and a real keyboard,
> coz those sorry excuses for pointing and typing devices are only
> designed to be cramed into a small space, not designed to be useful
> and comfortable.
> Just two cents worth from someone that was once forced to use a high rez
> graphics tablet to play a mouse oriented game.  Sure it worked, but it
> was painful.  For software designed to be used with a mouse, use a real
> mouse.  WIMPs (in other words, computer desktops) are designed to be
> used with mice, that's what the "M" stands for.

I once helped some friends on a LAN party with technical problems and
decided to stay a while and play on my thinkpad.
I was better than most of them with my trackpoint (and made it to the
last level in Quake 3 on Hardcore with it, just for fun) :)

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