Hi. I'm running DR17 v0.16.999.70492 from Ubuntu repository on Xubuntu
13.04. The default theme works fine, but if I change theme (I've tried
three different ones), I get an error message saying:

"Enlightenment crashed early on start and has been restarted.
There was an error loading module named: comp
This modules has been disabled and will not be loaded."

After that, I can't load the composite module anymore. If I try, I get
another error message:

"This is very bad. Enlightenment SEGV'd."

I get the same message if select About from the menu as well. Changing
back to the default theme doesn't help. The only thing that works is
deleting the ~/.e directory and log out and then back in again. But then
I'm back at the default theme.

I see nothing in .xsession-errors, syslog or X.org.log.

Are there some other log files that I've missed, where I can see what's
going on? Or does anybody have a clue as to why composite stops working as
soon as I change theme?

/Peter Welzien

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