
I've got some problems on my newly installed Debian7 system. The 
strangest thing is that some Apps in the Ibar are without any icons. 
I've tried to manually select some icons from 
/usr/share/icons/hicolor/...But for each application I select an icon I 
get a errormsg: creating directory "usr/local/share/icons" failed" or 

This is strange enough, but the errormsg appears 2 times after the 
selection. And  for some reasons E17 want accept an icon for skype.

I really have no idea whats going wrong here.

I've compiled E17 with easy_efl.sh as root with option "full" execpt the 
mines-clone cause I couldnt find the missing lib.

and btw;
Im just wondering why some great distribtuins dont make any official 
E17-packages. Im using E17 since I migrated in 2005(?) from E16.  I dont 
belief that the dicision has some "stability reasons"...


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