
The « Enlighenment.fr » association aims to help all the  actions
which are involved in  the development and diffusion of  «
Enlightenment » and the software libraries « EFL », as well as all the
FOSS using or linked in a way or another with these two components.

Currently, the donations can be done on https://www.enlightenment.org
(flatter or paypal), or (in french) http://enlightenment.fr/dons/

The donations have already been useful to help some people who want to
participate to events like fosdem, EDD, ... (travel, hostel, buying tshirts or
goodies to sell on the stands, etc...)

Currently, most of the donations are in a bank account (necessary for
the administrative part of the association). This account is not free,
that is, every trimester, some amount of money is taken from the
account. That is, if nobody donates, we will have no more money in the future.

So if you wish to help the project and its diffusion, feel free to
make some donations :-)

Vincent Torri
Treasurer of the Enlightenment.fr association

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