I'm still stuck on enlightenment 0.18.8-2 (debian) and it seems to be
the last version that works with google chrome.

Taking a tab with google chrome and tearing it away from the main app
will (with newer E) cause the tab to get stuck to my mouse and not go
away unless I restart enlightenment to recover.
google-chrome does not have this problem with any other window manager,
or older enlightenments, so I'm assuming the problem is with E.

E 0.18 kind of still works for me, but then again also crashes once a
day on average (and then restarts with minimal fuss), which isn't
horrible, at the same time not very professional either.

Sadly I haven't had time to spend on debugging this, I kind of need a WM
that just works so that I can focus on the other things I'm supposed to
be doing :)

So, is there a newer version with debian packages that is likely to fix
my issues, or should I stay put?

"A mouse is a device used to point at the xterm you want to type in" - A.S.R.
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