I haden't previously built E/fl from sources, but I now have and your fix works! thanks for looking into it.

The keyboard stealing is probably to maintain the keyboard-centric tracker tradition. It is a bit aggressive, its an all-encompassing audio package though so the idea may be you don't really need to leave the program to get your "audio work" done.

From what I can tell, Renoise is best in class for tracker software. I haven't tried milkytracker... I did try schismtracker and the interface was a pain to compose in. milky looks a bit more friendly.

I was also looking for something where I could edit samples and apply fx, although Ardour or Reaper could probably mix in. I have to admit pro audio software is one place where money talks. I'm happy enough there is pro audio software that runs on Linux for a decent price.

I agree it looks slick with the E theme, Id try an efl derived tracker if there was one out there... one could probably pull the E libs into https://extemporelang.github.io/ and whip out something pretty quickly, if one where willing to deal in Scheme and do some LLVM debugging...

On 2018-06-02 00:37, Carsten Haitzler wrote:
On Fri, 01 Jun 2018 12:43:32 -0700 gr...@iowntheinter.net said:

ok. downloaded it. i see what you see - no menus. visually it looks like they don't use a toolkit - they did their own. a bit of poking at renoise... it does
odd things.

1. it grabs the keyboard when focused so no wm kbd shortcuts work.
2. all window moves and resizes are done by the renoise client, not wm, so any
wm rules like edge resistance handling, etc. wont be followed
3. the grabbng disables e's alt+left mouse to move and alt+right mouse menu and
alt+middle for resize. breaking much from many wm's in this regard
4. alt-tab is broken as since it's grabbed the kbd renoise iconifies itself instead of the alt+tab switcher being brought up as normal when you tab-away
from it
5. alt+click or any click doesn't raise the window... so no way to actually
raise it to the top it seems

so first - renoise does some odd and weird things...

i've done some initial checking - renoise does create a window that is stacked on top for the menu at the right geometry. now some digging... renoise sets the netwm opacity hint on menus... and this seems to have found a bug in our code of reading of the opacity value. we don't convert it correctly back to our 0-255 range we use in our objects from 0-4billion (unsinged int) for the
opacity property. it looks like renoise wants the window just slightly
transparent... it just so happened that the value it asked for mapped right to 0 as an alpha value... thus no menu. well it is there just a transparency of 0. so not a stacking problem as i first thought. i fixed it. pushed a commit to e
git master. menus display for me now. thanks for this nice corner-case!

commit/patch here:


i downloaded some songs for renoise to test it out. it's actually a decent tracker. this takes me back to my modding days with sounddtracker, protracker and then some fastracker2 (unde dosbox in linux by then) when i composed music from samples i collected... it has been on a long list of mine to one day write a tracker again for the "modern world". :) renoise is surprisingly decent other
than its annoying quirks above.

really cool if you are messing with modes and renoise to do some music. renoise is also nice and dark grey like e out of the box... :) it fits in almost perfectly for me even though the ui is totally custom. the general ui screams of lots of powerful tools and options wrapped around ye olde tracker ui/design
which is almost perfect for me. :)

When I attempt to use Renoise 3.1.0 under Enlightenment 0.22.3 on Ubuntu
18.04 (Installed from ppa:niko2040/e19 )
clicking on any menu { File, Edit, View ... } does not open a menu, it
does nothing.
The menus do work under Fluxbox.
I have raised an issue in their forum

Is there anything I can do in E to gather debugging information to
report to the Renoise team? I dont see any errors in the Renoise console
log, and since its a closed source application I cant dig into it.

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