To summarize the workflow (because this potentially affects Thunderbird as
well, and that's definitely my use case):
* Deploy Extension.xpi to an accessible file location (i.e.
%PROGRAMFILES%\Mozilla Firefox\extensions, since it's apparently not used
* Install via Extension Policy
* Configure via ExtensionSettings, specifying installation_mode and the
local install_url to the absolute path to the deployed extension.
** "file:///C:/Program%20Files/Mozilla%20Firefox/extensions/<extension>.xpi"
(as it looks like Environmental Variables aren't valid with file URIs)
* Configure updates via ExtensionUpdate: false

My followup questions are:
1) If ExtensionSettings.installation_mode = force_installed, then
specifying Extension.Locked is redundant?
2) With the above scenario, is it necessary to specify
ExtensionSettings.install_sources? about:addons, AMO, and local path? (Same
question about allowed_types)
3) If ExtensionUpdate:false is specified, then user-installed extensions
from AMO will also NOT update?

The ideal/previous scenario is that I have extensions that I want to
control deployment and versioning, but would also like to allow users to
install to their own profile as needed.  For example, deploy uBlock, but
let's say that a user wants to install a Zoom extension or a theme? In this
scenario, I'd prefer to control uBlock, but allow the user's extensions to
update automatically.  (Hypothetical; I'm much more concerned with TB
extensions than FF, but the point stands).

On the other hand, <sigh> that's not how Chrome handles it.  And I'm coming
around to that as well.  With the holidays coming up (and extra COVID
weight already in place), we can't always have our cake and eat it too.

Kris Lou
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