Paul Berkowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you do this frequently, why not give all the contacts with only company
> the same NAME? Then you'll only have to look under Name, without having to
> remember how you listed it. You can reserve searches by Company for those
> cases where you have 25 people all working at the same company but whose
> contacts ach have their own name. Contacts with only company really could be
> identified with the same company name as Name.

Maybe, but the fact remains that Entourage should give you the ability to
search both fields at the same time, since there are lots of times when
people don't differentiate clearly between the two when creating a contact.

>> Request #1: an "any field" or "name or company" contains option in the
>> quickfind.
> "Any Field" would NOT be a quickFind: it would very, very, very slow. "Name
> or company" might be a good idea to save you from the workaround above.

Understood. I think "name or company" would be great

>> Second thing: if I'm trying to find that contact using "Find" (command-F),
>> doing a Find for "Koret" in all contacts, with "Search subjects, titles, and
>> names only" doesn't find it. Why not?
> "subjects, titles and names" only looks at subjects (of Messages and
> Events), titles (of Notes), and names (of Contacts and Tasks). It's not very
> well explained: basically it just looks at the names of things (faster).

Sorry, I meant "with 'Search subjects, titles, and names only' UNCHECKED" --
meaning if I do the most comprehensive search without using "More Options"
it doesn't get found. Why is that?

> It's pretty easy to do ["Name contains" Or "Company contains"] and MUCH,
> MUCH faster. Do you have any idea how many fields there are in contacts,
> including all the custom fields and phone numbers?

OK, then one of the options should (again) be "Name or Company" --
basically, any "identifying" field. That would be a good approach (and one
that several people I have talked to wish existed).

On the other hand, I still think that "any field" should be an option. If it
takes a long time, it takes a long time, but it's an option that should

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