On Tue, 14 Apr 2015 07:03:05 -0700
Jeff Sheltren <j...@tag1consulting.com> wrote:

> According to the initial agreement among interested parties, EPSCO was
> going to end the first term on March 31st, 2015.

Yeah. At the meeting after that point I think everyone agreed to just
keep on going? Perhaps there was no formal setup shown. 

> With that in mind, what's the status of the policy questions outlined
> here: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL-faster-repo-ideas  What
> remains to be done from the policies and tasks outlined there and in
> the first few EPSCO meetings?

IMHO, it needs people to drive it. Come up with ideas/plan, present
that plan and get buy in from everyone or adjust it as much as can be
done to get consensus and then help implement it. TANSTASFL.  

> And has there been any discussion of new committee members and/or what
> term-lengths may be in the future?  I haven't seen anything on that
> topic discussed on this list.

Yeah, it was in meeting I think. 

IMHO, I don't find voting or set term limits that helpfull. I'd prefer
a meritocracy where people who show up and do work are given more power
to do things. 

> Additionally, are meetings still happening regularly? From what I've
> seen, they seem to be cancelled more often than they take place.

I'd defer that question to Smooge as he was running the meetings. 
I think there was a good deal of people traveling, etc... 

I do think regular meetings are good, as they are a way for people to
see who is doing what and contibute. 


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