On Fri, 16 Oct 2015 19:13:22 +1300
Peter <pe...@pajamian.dhs.org> wrote:

> Just out of curiosity, what is the space for 7/x86_64 ?  I'm guessing
> this would be small enough to fit onto a double-layer DVD.  If you
> then donk the debug tree from there you could probably fit the rest
> onto a single layer DVD, the vast majority of people would not care
> for more than a single arch of binary-only packages from a single
> release and have no need for -debuginfo packages.  I'm not saying
> that epel should release this, but it would be much more reasonable
> for an individual to burn this subset to a DVD for their own use.

We provide a handy way to answer this sort of question: 


15G     /pub/epel/7/x86_64
8.7G    /pub/epel/7/x86_64/debug


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