On Thu, Jan 21, 2021 at 12:19:39AM -0600, Carl George wrote:
> Howdy folks,
> RHEL7 ships Python 3.6 packages using the python3 prefix.  Currently
> EPEL7 contains Python 3.6 packages using both the python3 and python36
> prefixes.  Thanks to the foresight and preparation work of the Red Hat
> Python Maintenance team, these work interchangeably when using the
> %python_provide macro.  However the situation is still confusing for
> packagers and users.  We never formalized guidelines on which prefix
> to use.  I would like to change that.  I propose that we standardize
> on the python3 prefix to match RHEL7 packages and document in EPEL
> guidelines that maintainers SHOULD use the python3 prefix.
> Transitioning packages is straightforward.  Packages using a
> python%{python3_pkgversion}-<name> subpackage can simply rename it to
> python3-<name>.  If the top level package is already python3-<name>,
> then the subpackage can be converted into the top level package.  In
> both cases, `%python_provide python3-<name>` handles the necessary
> provides and obsoletes.  This work doesn't need to happen all at once,
> and maintainers can opt in as they have time.  We already have a mix
> of prefixes, this is just about nudging towards python3 as the correct
> prefix.
> Please share your feedback, and I'll present this proposal and the
> feedback to the EPEL Steering Committee.

Seems like anoying churn to change them, but I guess standardizing is
good. Perhaps we could generate a list of python36 and python34
subpackages that need changing and make a tracker bug and the
epel-packagers sig could drive forward filing bugs/pr's/just fixing

For epel8: I see there's one python38 package in epel8 ( python38-radicale3 ) 
do we want to also standardize there also to python3-name? Since there's
multiple python stacks there we really might have need for being more
specific there, so that might be fine, but we should probibly note it.


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