On Fri, 7 Oct 2022 at 03:34, Petr Pisar <ppi...@redhat.com> wrote:

> V Wed, Sep 28, 2022 at 03:09:32PM -0700, Troy Dawson napsal(a):
> > - epel-release will be updated.
> > -- epel-modular will set enabled = 0
> Does it only mean releasing a new epel-release package with epel-modular
> configuration file set to "enabled = 0", or does it also involve more magic
> like editing that configuration with RPM scriptlets.
> I ask because configuration files edited by a user are not subject of RPM
> updates. rpm tool installs updated files under a new file name and keeps
> the original intact, effectively unupdated.
My original thought was turning if off for new users, but I am realizing
because we defined it to be on by default.. we will be breaking existing
users. Thanks for questioning my logic as it was wrong.

> > October 31 2022:
> > - The EPEL 8 modules will be archived and removed.
> Does EPEL have any communication channel to EPEL users besides this mailing
> list? If it does, do you plan to announce this change there? Preferably
> ahead
> of time.
There are 2 emailing lists. One of them ate the email that troy sent a
while ago and held it versus accepting it. I have kicked the server and
hopefully it gets sent now. That said we need to fix the communication and
update it for better dates.

We thought of rebuilding all of the existing modules with an updated
deprecated somewhere in the data, but since many of them are just branched
for each release it looked like we would instead say the module was
deprecated in existing Fedora releases. I expect there is a way to do this,
but I have no idea what it would break.

> I worry that users do not follow a list called epel-devel because they
> think
> it's only for EPEL developers. As such this change will come to them as
> a surprise.
There used to be an epel-users list but about 8 real people subscribed to
it versus N hundred spam accounts. We turned it off after most of the posts
were needing to be deleted or the few questions being asked were never
being answered because the developers were not on it.

> -- Petr
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Stephen Smoogen, Red Hat Automotive
Let us be kind to one another, for most of us are fighting a hard battle.
-- Ian MacClaren
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