V Mon, Oct 10, 2022 at 12:54:44PM -0500, Carl George napsal(a):
> One of the biggest problems with modularity in EPEL is the our current
> implementation doesn't allow requiring modules from another build
> system [0][1].  Has some other third party implementation solved this?
>  And more importantly, do any third party modules exist that require
> EPEL modules?
I was told that there are companies which build and deploy
their own modules. I have no other datails. Especially whether their modules
depend on EPEL modules.

A special example are RHEL rebuilds. E.g. Oracle can reproduce RHEL modules,
including dependencies, with exact name-stream-version-context-architecture

However, I think this problem is of topic now. If EPEL and MBS people were
able to tackle it they wouldn't call off modules from EPEL.

-- Petr

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