FYI, I have committed an initial Equinox IP log:

We had initially started with a separate IP log per component, but as I 
started to update them I found it painful to track the committer lists 
separately so I combined them. Also there is only one IP log URL that can 
be linked from  The third 
party software list is not yet complete, and I have not processed all the 
p2 contributions since p2 graduation.  Can all committers quickly scan the 
committer list and ensure they are listed, and their login, organization, 
and email addresses are correct? I believe we only need to record 
committers who contributed to the 3.4 release - this excludes people who 
committed only to the incubator project, and those who only committed 
prior to the 3.3 release (someone please correct me if this is wrong).
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