

Master branch is open for RC2 contributions. 


We are scheduled to promote and contribute 4.17 RC2 to the simrel on
Friday the September 4th.


Here is the schedule:


Wednesday 2 Sep -- API and feature freeze, Release Candidate build 

Thursday 3 Sep -- Bug verification and Sign-off 4.17 RC2 

Friday 4 Sep -- 4.17 RC2 Promotion and contribution to SimRel


Here is the freeze plan:

Please note the following excerpt from the freeze plan:



All fixes submitted must have a project lead or PMC vote on the bug
report, and the fix must be reviewed by an additional committer (any
committer other than the one who made the fix). A positive review from a
project lead or PMC member means implicit approval and no vote is needed
on the bug report. Ongoing changes to documentation, tests or examples do
not require approval.





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